Sunday, March 18, 2007

One Fine Weekend!

Hello All,

I am a person who loves irony and the things of God's providence. This weekend has been that for me. For example, we had our Spain Team meeting this last weekend. This is not to be confused with the Spain CHAIN meeting that will happen this next Friday night with our general public. Our Spain Team is the group of people who were with us from the very inception of our dream to go to Spain. They are our family and most close confidants. I found it ironic that we met Friday night, which will be our last official meeting and was also the day that I received my first paycheck from Laguna. It is ironic because I could tell them and declare here, that from the first day of our mission to our last day, God used a variety of people and church organizations, to minister to our every financial need exclusively. Over that entire period, we watched as God met deadlines, paid bills and even more, through the generous hearts of our Team and our Chain. To my knowledge, we have nothing left over. God met every need perfectly, giving us just enough. Then as that season closed, God put us under the care of Calvary Laguna!

Before I move on, our Spain Team meeting was awesome. I love our team for so many reasons. First, they are truly our family in the very real sense of the word. Our Dads and Moms, Aunts and Uncles, brothers and sisters have been involved. But more than that, we have friends that have been family to us for years, who have generously given of their prayers and wisdom. When we met on Friday, it was a fitting end to this wonderful chapter in our lives.

I mentioned providence earlier. Providence is the understanding that God is the master architect of every human life. It is an awe inspiring concept to consider how ironic God's providence is. Friday we had our meeting with our Spain Team and today at church, Pastor Chris brought us before the congregation to introduce us as part of the staff of the church. He mentioned to the church that he had begun praying for the right staff to come and had thought about us 6 months ago. This was not a new thought, but for some reason, it hit me really strongly. 6 months ago, I was praying for visas to stay in Spain. At that same time, he was praying that God would bring a staff that would bless this church. I guess he won and I lost!? I suppose time will tell, but I was awed again by the majesty of God's providence, on the one side answering prayer positively and on the other answering negatively. All the while intending to fit us jointly together for the work that now lays before us!

Anyone else awed by this in their lives!? Looking back, how DID God get this to happen in my life? It's His good hand over us, that causes us to look at the confusion of the past in the filter of the very ordered present and declare what we only believed then: That He is good and His mercy endures forever!

By the way, I got to play drums for the first time at our new church today. Pretty cool! It's always a blessing to be part of that experience. "Let's see...Chris Reinhardt was out a drummer today and I just happen..." There I go again!

Blessings...To Our Friends,
Frank Sanchez

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