Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Books, Books, Books

Hello All,

I have successfully rediscovered the joys of recreational reading over the last couple of months. My current and best book is called "Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges. His other books, "The Pursuit Of Holiness" and "The Practice Of Holiness" ministered to me mightily when I was a High School student, which was 16 years ago! Amazing how time flies!

The book is about sins that we tolerate as Christians, so it's not for you if you are against being convicted!

So, I have been steeped in this excellent book and was moving at a pretty decent clip when I came to a quote that stopped me in my tracks. It was a quote within a quote. Mr. Bridges quoted the man who wrote the hymn "Amazing Grace," John Newton in a letter that he wrote to a friend about the concept of time, which affords the opportunity to become anxious and frustrated, twin sins that we as Christians tolerate, but are an offense to God. Newton's quote was so good that I had to blog about it!

"From hence arise impatience, resentments and secret repinings [ie. complainings], which are not only sinful but tormenting; wheras, if all things are in his hand, if the very hairs of our head are numbered; if every event, great and small, is under the direction of his providence and purpose; and if he has a wise, holy and gracious end in view, to which everything that happens is subordinate and subservient; - then we have nothing to do, but with patience and humility to follow as he leads, and cheerfully to expect a happy issue...how happy are they who can resign all to him, see his hand in every dispensation, and believe that he chooses better for them than they possibly could for themselves."
John Newton, quoted in Respectable Sins, pg. 66

Nothing new there, but superbly well put if you ask me! I would hope that we would take this charge to heart, as we live in a world that exists to teach us otherwise.

Blessings...To Our Friends,
Frank Sanchez

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