Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Almost There!

Hello All,

We are almost back to normal here at the new Sanchez Diggs. I have been able to find stuff in the morning when I am getting ready, and I have found ways to keep my commute from being longer than it has to. When we have some time, we are enjoying some of the new amenities that we have here, including the pool, the spa and the nice trails that overlook the wash area next to Mission Viejo. It's felt a little bit bizarre at the same time, as Summer has taken an abrupt halt over at the church. Just two weeks ago, we were at the Barbecue, brimming with loads of people in and out of the building, to today, when it felt like a ghost town in the office! The summer is giving way to the rigorous scheduling of the fall, and in many ways, church is about to get a whole lot more busy.

So for now, it seems that we might just take the rest of August off from the discipline of blogging. I will come back with two posts right away that have been itching to get out of my system. The first will be a treatise on prayer. The second will be focused on the 10 greatest lessons that I have learned in ministry, which will be a 10 part series of posts.

And, if our computer can handle it, we'll put up some pictures next week of our new place, not just here in the house, but with our new church as well.

For the time being, check out some of the links on the side. Jason and Kris are back in the United States over at Missions Down Under. Pastor Carlos Casco has a great slideshow up on his page from his recent trip to Bolivia. Jim Burns always has something great for families on his site. Brad Bischoff has some samples of music that feature my drumming, especially Presence Of Mind, which I am particularly proud of. Or, you can hear whole tunes here under Brad Bischoff and PYF, Boycott Hell! After you get through that, then it's likely that we'll be back in full swing.

I hope that you all are doing well.

Blessings...To Our Friends,
Frank Sanchez

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