Thursday, May 24, 2007

Prayer Request...

Hello All,

Just wanted to throw out a quick request to everyone who reads this. Our church is having it's first Steak And Study of the season. Steve Arteburn, author of Every Man's Battle will be speaking. We have made all the noise, and we believe that God wants to use this event. We pray that it would be a poignant night for the men who come. We pray that the Lord would draw men in and that He would do a great work of healing and restoration. Would you join me in that prayer?


Blessings...To Our Friends,
Frank Sanchez

UPDATE: It was AWESOME! It was a blessing to have about 130 men from over 15 churches from various places on the SoCal map. Steve Arteburn was witty and SO relevant! The men were challenged and several made commitments to the Lord! Thanks for praying! Oh, and the STEAKS!!!! BRILLIANT! Bobby Flay has nothing on us!

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